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  • Writer's pictureJosh Baker

Welcome to My Blog!

Updated: Dec 6, 2019

Hi! First, let me thank you for checking out my blog. I plan to use this space going forward to answer popular questions, debunk myths, tell stories, and ultimately help guide interested readers in the right direction.

To kick things off, I thought I might answer some questions that I have either been asked personally or come up in discussion.

1. Why is photography so expensive?

This answer involves numerous factors, but I will try and keep it simple....

a. Equipment is EXPENSIVE

Many people don't realize just how much professional equipment costs. A "good" camera will run you at least a $1,000 as will a single "good" lens. Now add, lights, stands, extra batteries, various lenses, editing software, filters, and much more. You will see, the bill begins to quickly rack up into the thousands. And as technology advances, we often have to update our equipment every couple years to keep up. It's a costly endeavor.

b. There are NUMEROUS unseen costs

When you look at a photography invoice, before gawking, take into consideration this: There's planning, traveling, setup, shooting, backing up images, culling images, editing images, and delivering images. As you can see, there's a lot more to the job than just pushing the trigger.

c. Being SELF-EMPLOYED has costs too

Often times, we overlook how much it costs to run your own business. There's taxes, insurance, utilities, etc. For some photographers, this may be their own job. Meaning, these photographers derive their income solely from photography alone. When you factor in all the costs mentioned above, you will see that it takes a lot of money to maintain a successful photography business. And often, certain types of photography like wedding for instance, are seasonal, so you may or may not be working year round. This instability can prove difficult in trying to support oneself solely on this venture.

Those are just a few of the many reasons that photographers typically charge so much. However, if you choose the right one, you will see you will be paid back in priceless artistic memories that'll last a lifetime.

2. What equipment do I use?

This is one I get asked ALL the time. However, I love answering it as my equipment is like my child. The camera I use is the SONY A7RIII. It is amazing! Almost 43 megapixels in total, so you can imagine, the detail you get out of it is spectacular! I am not a pixel peeper (someone who carefully evaluates a photo for image quality), but I can tell, just out of camera, that the images taken are something special. It also has good video capabilities as well, which I use on occasion. My main lens is the 24-70 SONY G-Master. Once again, an amazing lens with fast autofocus, beautiful bokeh (the visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of an image), great sharpness, and good focal length. The other lenses in my kit are the SONY 50mm 1.8, and Rokinon 14mm. These lenses allow for more artistic creativity and are lightweight. I do use filters and other devices on occasion as well, however, this is my main kit for the time being. In the future, I will surely add more lenses to my collection.

3. How can I setup a photoshoot with you?

If you have any business-related questions, feel free to message me by clicking the contact page and filling out the short form. I will be sure to respond as soon as possible! I am happy to clear up any questions and or meet to discuss business over coffee or lunch!

I hope this was helpful. If you have anything you would like me to discuss on my blog, message me, and I would be happy to take in your suggestion!

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